
Jan 26 – Wonderland


The sun is shining, today! *twirls* That’s always a sparkly, welcome reason to be grateful… especially in January… in Canada. There’s nothing like a sunny-winter day to give the birds a reason to flutter and mingle and chirp their blissful little heart’s out. Goodness, I admire those feathered little champions of life, so much! I find it marvelling how they seem undaunted by the weather. Are they cold? Most likely. Discouraged? Not so much. In fact, they seem to be thoroughly basking in abundance and sunshine. Their tweeting and chirping sounds like happiness, to me. I love watching them, and I find them entirely inspiring. I’m admiring them from the window, today, because I’m not nearly as resilient to the elements as they are… but it won’t be long before I can sit outside on my patio and really ‘be’ with them, again. And I can’t wait. This is by far one of my most favourite things about summer time. This past summer, a delightful little robin built a nest in the tree only a few feet away from where I ‘perch’ on my patio… eye level, to boot! I got a front row seat, and it was amazing. I watched her dutifully build her nest, lay her eggs, guard her babies, feed her babies, and even teach her babies to forage and fly. She didn’t seem discouraged one little bit by my coming and going… we even shared a few meaningful, albeit one-sided, conversations. It was a delightful experience, and I’ll cherish it, always.

I love nature, so much. There’s something about it that feels like home… ever notice? *happy sigh* But I digress.

I think I’m going to literally linger the day away in sparkly creativity, today. I’m feeling the urge to paint with words! Doodling with the written word, so to speak. I could just say, ‘write’, I suppose, but ‘write’ doesn’t really capture the flavour I’m going for. Ironically, and maybe it’s just me, but the word ‘write’ kind of falls flat, for me. Where’s the flavour in that? zzzZZZzzzzz. I mean, I’m writing, right now… but this isn’t the type of writing I’m talking about. I feel like creating something with a little more flavour! A little more snap, crackle, pop!! ;D

Peace & Love.